Colors in Spanish

Do you want to learn colors in Spanish? You are not alone! Learning new languages is difficult, but this blog post will help you get started. We have compiled a list of the colors in Spanish and even made a list of flashcards for you to study for free. If you are just starting out learning one of the most widely spoken languages on Earth, then this list and flashcard deck will make it easy and fun! Signup now for a free account and save yourself hours studying your primary colors in Spanish!

Spanish Colors:

amarillo yellow
anaranjado / naranjo orange
azul blue
blanco white
gris gray / grey
marrón / café brown
morado / púrpura purple
negro black
rojo red
rosado pink
verde green

Additionally, many folks also want to talk about whether something is bright, dark, or other clarifications about the intensity, tone, or shade. The following expressions will help you with this:

claro = light
oscuro = dark
fuerte = bright

Frequently Asked Questions about colors in Spanish:

What are the colors in Spanish?

We have that list above =D

How do you say the word “colors” in Spanish?

“Colores” is the word for colors in Spanish.

We have the fastest and easiest way to learn your colors in Spanish, signup now for a free account and save yourself hours learning this or any other topic. Think of it like a quiz, that will help students of any topic, so you can easily use it in every day conversation with Spanish speakers. If you’re learning the Spanish language, it could save you hundreds of hours you could spend other time on.